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サンプルボイス紹介 English001 ~ 003








One: I am a tickle slave, and I belong to my master.

Two: tickle slaves devote their bodies to their master and their customers, and at any time, will serve them by being tickled.

Three: when tickled, I will not resist. In addition, I will not supress my laughter, and will show my true self at all times.

Four: when tickled, I will sit on my knees, back erect, and my arms behind my head. I will turn my toes upwards, and will slightly angle them. I will not turn my head. This is the most vulnerable, most beautiful posture I can take, and I will not break it.

Five: since it's the tickle slave's job to show themselves being tickled, I will not drop my efforts to keep my voice and posture beautiful.

Six: I will not miss one of our morning greetings. During this time, I will give the greeting while being tickled for my master's enjoyment.

Seven: if one of these promises are broken, I will be subject to harsh punishment.



Now, I would like to confirm today's schedule with you.

At 1:00 PM, there is a social gathering. Yes, the contents.... first are opening remarks, then introducing our guests. After the toast, at the time we hold a small chat.... that, will be my 'tickling show'.



Ah... the feather is... coming closer to me.... it can be seen fluttering around my belly and my chest.... I haven't been tickled yet, but my body is cringing.... I know it's supposed to tickle and that I cannot escape. It's a very bad feeling...





サークル「刺身の上のヒマワリ」様の作品「くすぐり教育的指導」に声の出演をいたしました。 普段はクラスの男子を顎で使うような生意気なギャルが部活の顧問に逆らえずめちゃくちゃにくすぐられて辱められてしまう――そんな内容にゾクッときた方にはオススメです。...


iikoeでボイス依頼をしたい! でも台本は書けない! 自分の書いた台本じゃ抜けない! とお困りのあなたに。 台本の内容をすべて私に丸投げしてボイスが受け取れる台本です。(注:半熟ぱいん以外の声優さんへこの内容で依頼するのはおやめください)...


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